Corazones Unidos Siempre/Chi Upsilon Sigma National Latin Sorority, Incorporated.

Educating, Elevating and Empowering All Women

The Beta Delta Chapter at George Mason University

Since 1980 our organization strives for academic eXcellence, educating and assisting the community, and being part of a lifetime organization with people we love. We continue to hold true to this and stress the importance of being leaders within our community.

Our Mission

We, the members of Chi Upsilon Sigma Latin Sorority, Incorporated, aware of the prejudices and obstacles facing the minority women of our communities, dedicate ourselves to improving these conditions and to working towards the betterment of all women. We have unified ourselves through the sisterhood of Corazones Unidos Siempre and by our Founders' ideals of open communication and community service, as well as the development of political, educational, cultural and social awareness. We devote ourselves to this challenge to be achieved through hard work, patience and the collective effort to educate, as is exemplified in our motto, "Wisdom through Education".

Our Undergraduate Sisters

Daniela Garcia Galindo Profile

Daniela Garcia Galindo

Crystal Rafael-Castelan Profile

Crystal Rafael-Castelan

Destiny Gonzalez Rubero Profile

Destiny Gonzalez Rubero

Public Relations Chair
Ashley Mejia Profile

Ashley Mejia

Fundraiser Chair
Ashley Pacheco-Arrospide Profile

Ashley Pacheco-Arrospide

Community Service Chair
Naydelin Bonilla-Hernandez Profile

Naydelin Bonilla-Hernandez

Public Relations Chair
Isabella Flores Profile

Isabella Flores

Recruitment Chair

Interested in Learning More?

Throughout the semester, we offer informational eXpressos where interested women can attend and learn more about our sisterhood, mission, values, philanthropy and more.









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