Registered Student Organizations - Academic, STEM, Volunteer/Service
Website Mission Membership Benefits
Contact: Alisha Hassan
Mission The mission of MSF at George Mason University is to encourage pre-health and all students to partake in local volunteer opportunities, and to create a network of students who are passionate about humanitarian aid, as well as inform members about the value of field projects done by doctors within the organization.
Membership BenefitsMembers will be able to be part of the MSF group which will raise awareness and knowledge regarding MSF's work in the field and about humanitarian issues, raise money for for field work and campaigns. Members will be able to contribute to and be informed of volunteer and charity events, as well as networking opportunities Members will also provide impactful service to local humanitarian organizations within Virginia, and the George Mason University area.
Doctors Without Borders Student Chapter at George Mason University has a total of 250 points.
Lifetime membership