Conference Information

Information about Conference Presentation

Having conference presentations is beneficial and essential for Ph.D. students. Academic conferences allow you to start developing your research agenda and get useful feedback on your research as you convert conference papers into journal articles. It also gives you the opportunity to Start networking and meet people (other graduate students, future colleagues, and mentors, researchers you admire).

Here are some local, regional, national and international conferences that you might be interested in sending your research proposal

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Student Research Symposium GMU College of Education and Human Development

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Mason Graduate Interdisciplinary Conference

The Mason Graduate Interdisciplinary Conference is a one-day event highlighting the outstanding research of our graduate student community. The conference opens avenues of discussion across disciplines and facilitates students' entry into scholarly research.

The Washington Consortium of Colleges of International Education and Training

The Consortium is an educational association of 17 member universities. This conference is an opportunity for graduate students to present their work and to engage in meaningful discussion about the forces that shape international education

AERA Annual Meeting

The American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting is the world's largest gathering of education researchers and a showcase for groundbreaking, innovative studies in an array of areas

The Call for Submissions for the 2021 AERA Annual Meeting is open. The deadline for submissions is July 22, 11:59 pm

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The annual TESOL convention

The annual TESOL convention offers English language teaching professionals and scholars from around the globe the premier opportunity for professional development.

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The International Conference of the Learning Sciences

ICLS is a major international event, organized biennially by ISLS, which gathers people involved in all aspects of the field of the learning sciences.