Hello archers,
The spring semester is upon us, which means a new archery season! This email is going to have two parts: the beginning is important for everyone and the second part is important for anyone interested in joining.
For everyone:
Schedule info:
For the remainder of the indoor season, practices will be Fridays from 3-5, and we'll add a second pactice once it warms up and we can head outdoors. There will be a tryout period for our first two practices (2/10 and 2/17). Returning active members have priority when it comes to roster spots, as we only have the capacity for 16-20 people. Prospective members will get more information soon.
It's everyone's favorite time of the year: dues season! Club dues will be $60 for the semester, and must be paid by the end of tryouts. Invoices will be sent out once our tryout roster is determined.
Club Equipment Grant:
The officers and I are excited to announce that we are applying for a grant from the Virginia DWR to acquire club equipment! If we secure the grant, these bows will be given out on a semesterly basis and will allow everyone to compete in tournaments if you wish. More info to come if we secure the grant!
Range Memberships:
Practice availability as a club is fairly limited this semester, as indoor space is difficult to reserve. To make up for this, we are encouraging members to get an annual range membership with Izaak Walton. These memberships will allow you to have unlimited range time, so you can get extra practice time outside of clubwide practices. For anyone looking to compete, we are strongly recommending annual memberships especialy if you receive a club bow. Memberships are $211 + $190 for your first year, but we may be able to secure a discounted price for our club members. The percentage of members that have memberships will also impact our range costs going forwards (more members = lower dues), so that's something to keep in mind as well. More info to come!
For Prospective Members:
Welcome! We're a pretty new club, and the newest club sport at GMU. Last semester we went to our first tournaments and had a fairly successful season, and we're looking to continue that succcess going forwards. Before you can come out to the range with us, there's a multi-stage onboarding process. Due to limited roster availability, we cannot guarantee a spot to everyone, but we will try our best! Prior experience and owning equipment is preferred, but not mandatory.
To get started, please fill out the attached interest form, or go to this link:
This form is mandatory in order to get a spot on the tryout roster, and we are going on a first come, first served basis.
Let's make this a great semester!
-Nicholas Ferguson
President, Club Archery at George Mason University