Buchanan Hall (D023/Meese Room)
Fairfax, Virginia, United States
Don't forget to Register for Day 1 (Friday's) GAMEmason event to attend! https://cglink.me/2d7/r2003590
Visit our GAMEmason Website: https://si.gmu.edu/tabletop-gaming-room/
Tabletop Game Room Schedule:
Friday, March 3
1pm - 2pm: Join the DND Club: Dungeons and Dragons 2 Player vs. 2 Player Tournament
1pm - 5pm Join Will from Tabletop Role Playing Game Club: Pokémon Tabletop United
1pm - 5pm Join Della from Tabletop Role Playing Game Club: Crab Truckers The Gang Does a Little Trafficking
1pm - 4pm Join Kara from Tabletop Role Playing Game Club: Dungeons and Dragons 5e
1pm - 4pm Join Peter from Tabletop Role Playing Game Club: Exalted
1pm - 6pm Join Alex from Tabletop Role Playing Game Club: Call of Cthulhu A Prize to Kill For
3pm - 4pm: Join the DND Club : Dungeons and Dragons 2 Player vs. 2 Player Tournament
Open Gaming available throughout the day
Dungeons and Dragons 2 Player vs. 2 Player Tournament: The Dungeons and Dragons club at George Mason University invites you to sign up and be a part of their tournaments with some of your fellow GAMEmason participants!
- Please review the Game Rules before signing up
- Sign-up for a Dungeons and Dragons 2 Player vs. 2 Player Tournament: https://forms.gle/Ji3BdE8ScLuXEhqm8
TCG’s Magic: The Gathering commander draft:
- Sign up now to secure your spot! https://forms.gle/ebzPdnjNBJAJFxrb6
- Please review our Event Details and answers to common questions: TCG Club InfoGuide
- Hello! If you are reading this, you must be interested in the TCG Club’s event at this year’s GAMEMason. We are holding a Magic: The Gathering commander draft! We will have a teaching session for new and returning players at 4:00pm March 4th in room D023 of Buchanan Hall, and the draft will begin at 4:30pm in the same room.
The Tabletop Role Playing Game Club at George Mason University invites you to show your interest and/or Sign up for games you would like to join during your time at GAMEmason: https://forms.gle/K9QiadghCJwwjmoP6
Open Gaming includes:
- Uno
- Here to Slay
- Munchkins
- Spy Alley
- Catan
- Monopoly
- Code Names
- Sorry
- Chameleon
- Exploding Kittens
- 1 Night Ultimate Werewolf
Open games are available to play with no need to sign-up ahead of time
Volunteers from the Rhythm Gaming Club at George Mason University will be available to assist and introduce games to participants.
Hosted By
Co-hosted with: Student Involvement, Tabletop Role Playing Game Club, GMU Esports, Dungeons and Dragons, Center for the Arts, Rhythm Game Club
Contact the organizers