1. Have declared a concentration in Accounting, Finance, or any other Information Technology-related concentration.
2. Cumulative GPA must be a minimum of 3.0.
Transition from Candidacy to Membership
1. Completion of at least one major class in their area of concentration. Major GPA must be a minimum of 3.0. The following courses do not qualify as a major class: ACCT 203, ACCT 303, and FNAN 303.
2. The candidate must participate in 25 hours of professional and service activities: 10 hours of professional activities, 10 hours of service activity, and 5 hours of participation from either category.
* Students are allowed to use 5 outside BAP hours each semester. Each academic year (Fall-Spring), students are allowed to use only 5 outside professional hours and 5 outside volunteer hours. For example, a student who used 5 outside BAP professional hours for Fall would not be allowed to use anymore outside professional hours in the Spring but would be allowed to use outside BAP volunteer hours
3. Paid all required fees (see application form for more details)