Mason Opera Spring 2025
The Dewberry School of Music’s Mason Opera presents its Spring 2025 performance. Featuring Mason’s talented vocal students in collaboration with an instrumental chamber ensemble, these live, in-person performances will showcase great vocal skill and dramatic ability and deeply immerse the audience in the action of the story.
Free Student Ticket FAQ
Where do I pick up my tickets? Free student tickets must be picked up in person from the Ticket Office with your Mason ID at the venue noted on your registration on the day of the event, beginning one hour prior to the event.
How can I sit with someone else? Students wishing to sit together must request adjacent seats at the Ticket Office when picking up tickets together one hour prior to the event.
Can I register for each day and time of this event? If an event has multiple performances with different dates/time, students may only register for one performance of the same title. The Ticket Office reserves the right to release tickets if a student holds multiple registrations for the same title.
What if I need to buy another ticket? Please visit the Ticket Office with your Mason ID as soon as possible. Student discounts may be available. A limited number of free student tickets are available at the Ticket Office for you to reserve with your purchased ticket. The Ticket Office will release your Mason360 registration.
What if the registration is full? Please visit the Ticket Office with your Mason ID. A limited number of free student tickets are available at the Ticket Office, and if those have run out, student discounts may be available.
How do I contact the Ticket Office? Email us at (text) cfatix@gmu.edu or (voice) 703-993-2787.
Access services questions? Contact the Accessibility Coordinator at (text) cfatix@gmu.edu or (voice) 703-993-8881.
Read more about the Free Student Ticket policy: cvpa.gmu.edu/freetickets
Harris Theatre
4471 Aquia Creek Lane, Fairfax, VA 22030, United States
Hosted By
Dewberry School of Music and Center for the Arts
Co-hosted with: Dewberry Family School of Music
Contact the organizers