Meet the Officers
Founder & President
I chose finance as my major because I have always been fascinated by the financial industry, stock market, and the ability to save money. I learned money management through my mother who in turn learned from my grandfather. I believe that no matter what anyone ends up doing with their career, a degree in finance or learning about financial planning is extremely useful. I wanted to start this Financial Planning Association at George Mason with my fellow officers because I believe now more than ever we need to understand how the ability to save money is a learned skill rather than something one is born with. The world is constantly adapting and so should we. With this platform I will strive to help all those that are involved to ensure that they increase their knowledge of finance and the financial planning profession.
Advisor and Director of Financial Planning and Wealth Management
I'm an associate professor at George Mason University School of Business, specializing in corporate finance. My research focuses on boards, ETF & mutual fund performance, and hedge fund activism. I am also a regular contributor to the Wall Street Journal and other mainstream business publications. As a dedicated teacher, I've helped create and lead the first student-managed investment fund at GMU, develop numerous degree programs like GMU's M.S. in Finance and CFA tracks, and currently serve as Director of the new Financial Planning & Wealth Management major at Mason. Outside of the classroom, I'm an avid squash player, swimmer, and devoted fan of everything that is Reno, NV.
Founder & Treasurer
Ever since I was a little kid I have loved the idea of money, budgeting, and personal finance. From watching Suze Orman as a kid, to sorting birthday money into envelopes. From running my pool's snack shack and making change, to reading books about what to do with my small amount of savings. That is where my interest for financial planning started. Over the years I did well in school and on the track. This allowed me the opportunity not only to attend George Mason, but to be a member of the track and field team and represent the university at the A10 championships. While I am still interested in many subjects and ideas, behavioral finance, financial markets, and financial literacy have to be my favorite. This naturally led me to declaring a major in Finance. I am a Junior at George Mason University and a co-founder of this organization. I'm excited to learn more through this community, network with like-minded individuals, and connect with more people than ever before.
Founder & Vice President
I am currently a junior at Mason and double majoring in Finance & Information Systems and Operations Management (ISOM). Before starting college I knew that I wanted to get involved in business organizations, both for networking purposes and to meet new people. And it feels like I have tried a bit of everything and learned just as much. Learning how to interview, develop resume/cover letters, budgeting, and investing are all skills I have developed somewhere between finals and my work schedule with the help of some great people and opportunities. One of the biggest things I have taken away from my experiences has been the idea that what you get out of opportunities is what you put into it. And while one's efforts are not always resulting in success, one's successes are consistently a derivative of one's efforts. Beyond that, I grew up a little bit of everywhere in the states. I'm a diehard Gators fan in front of my UF alumni family but, deep down, am more of a basketball person. I think that wet grass and bare feet are a match made in heaven, and that time spent learning yourself is never time wasted. Most of all, I think that life is what you make of it. Make it something great.
I grew up in a household that was afraid to talk about money and finances. Both took on negative connotations and were associated with feelings of stress and uncertainty. I believe many individuals and families struggle with this same problem. I want to help people through the process of financial planning so that they can overcome any setbacks in life and look to the future with positivity and certainty. I want to make meaningful connections and get to know people's backstories. Most importantly, I want to help people reach their financial goals with ease