
A bridge connecting students, faculties, and campuses

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About Us

n-Lingual is a student-led organization for language and cultural exchange. Originally started at Mason Korea, n-Lingual bridged Mason Korea and Fairfax campuses together. At Mason Korea, we are committed to bringing together students from diverse backgrounds through a variety of activities. We also organize and facilitate language program to enhance the university experience. At Fairfax, we strive to promote language and cultural exchanges through various programs. These languages are those that are offered through Mason's Modern and Classical Language Programs.

Dual-Campus System

n-Lingual is the only organization operated in both Mason Korea and Fairfax. The systems in the two campuses run differently. At Mason Korea, it is a student program focused on facilitating language and cultural exchange. In Fairfax, it focuses on students practicing and getting help in their target language.  However, as a bridge, we share a Pen-Pal Program connecting the two campuses.

Our Team

Yong Chang Song Profile

Yong Chang Song

Language Exchange Program | Fairfax
Matthew Gerber Profile

Matthew Gerber

Vice-President | Mason Korea
Malia Hairston Profile

Malia Hairston

Language Exchange Program | Fairfax
Ho-Jae Song Profile

Ho-Jae Song

Records Manager | Mason Korea
Carolyn Kalaskas Profile

Carolyn Kalaskas

Public Relations Manager | Mason Korea
Jooeun Park Profile

Jooeun Park

President | Mason Korea
Tania Trott Profile

Tania Trott

Treasurer | Fairfax
Yamileth Hernandez-Becerra Profile

Yamileth Hernandez-Becerra

Tutor Services | Fairfax
Aija Keller Profile

Aija Keller

Pen-Pal Program | Fairfax