Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

The mission of the SACNAS national organization is to further the work of, to improve the effectiveness of, and to enhance the public understanding of and appreciation for Chicanos, Latinos, Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and other underrepresented minorities in science.

As the most diverse university in Virginia, and welcoming the most diverse freshman class ever, the GMU chapter of SACNAS welcomes ALL students, and encourage all to participate in increasing research opportunities for undergraduates in STEM.

Each one of the student officers have been involved in research here at George Mason University.   We have seen the benefit, not only in improving our skills, but also increasing and improving interaction with professors and other faculty, improving our communication skills, learning how to present our research, and becoming more skilled science communicators









Members Benefits

Becoming a part of the SACNAS community is not just for your years at George Mason.  The national organization is for all stages of your STEM career, from undergraduate, graduate, doctoral education onto your professional career.

With over 8,000 members and over 100 student and professional chapters, SACNAS is a resource and community designed just for you.  Almost 5,000 research presentations have been hosted at the annual conference, which you can attend.

Events & Activities

We plan to have meetings throughout the year, both for members to socialize and get to know each other, as well as presentations from STEM professionals, sharing both their personal and professional stories.

Exclusive Resources

George Mason has resources already in place to assist undergraduates in finding research opportunities. Two of our officers have received funding through the OSCAR programs, and will gladly help you explore the URSP opportunities.


Our GMU chapter is small, but is growing! Join with other like-minded students to begin building your own STEM network now. We can also help you with class suggestions on how you can increase your network.

Our Team

Ameleen Wong Profile

Ameleen Wong


Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science

Fairfax Virginia
United States