No SFB application processing will take place the following dates. Take these dates into account when submitting your applications.
Monday, March 10th, 2025 - Friday, March 14th, 2025 (Spring Break)
Friday, April 11th, 2025- SFB Funding Application Closes
No submissions will be accepted after this date.
All submissions must be compliant with respective application deadlines. Please refer to the RSO Hub for further guidance.
SFB Reminders
Inquires for SFB application updates go directly to the Student Funding Board (SFB) team and not to SI Budget.
Once the RSO application approval has been received, YOU must initiate a Payment Request in Mason360 per the instructions sent in your Mason360 chat.
Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) do NOT automatically receive funding of $3,000 (Tier 1) or $6,000 (Tier 2). RSOs are required to submit an SFB application and receive approval to have access to these funds. RSOs are not guaranteed these dollar amounts as it is an application process.
Visit the RSO Hub to ensure you know the guidelines and procedures!