Tree Planting #2 - Wellness Walk: Steps to Plant Trees
Sidewalk (Presidents Park side) near the intersection of Patriot Circle and Shenandoah River Lane
4400 University Drive, Fairfax, Virg 22031, United States
Celebrate Earth Month, wellness, and sustainability by planting trees!
Meet us on the sidewalk (Presidents Park side) near the intersection of Patriot Circle and Shenandoah River Lane for our tree planting event! The location is here (Google Maps pin).
Activities will include staking trees for support and stability, shoveling and moving dirt, shoveling and moving mulch, watering newly planted trees, etc. No prior experience or equipment is needed. All supplies and training will be provided.
Attendees are encouraged to wear closed-toed shoes, clothes they're willing to get dirty, and sun-protective items (ex. hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, etc.). Folks are encouraged to bring a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated.
Another tree planting event is scheduled from 9:30 a.m. - 11 a.m. on the East Plaza of the Johnson Center. Registration is available on Mason360.
The Wellness Walk: Steps to Plant Trees is a collaborative initiative between Mason Facilities, University Sustainability, Mason Dining, Mason Recreation, and Facilities Grounds.
Hosted By
Co-hosted with: Mason Recreation, University Sustainability, Mason Dining, Facilities and Campus Operations (OWNER)
Contact the organizers