Registered Student Organizations - Volunteer/Service
Website Mission
Mission The Pathway to Home Society is a student-led organization at George Mason University dedicated to assisting and empowering people who are homeless in our community. Our mission is to provide undomiciled people with resources, guidance, and support in order to help them transition efficiently away from homelessness. Our goals include but are not limited to improving the quality of life in undomiciled people and assisting in their transition to a more independent life. Further, we are committed to raising awareness about the complex issue of homelessness and will advocate for policies and programs that promote long-term solutions through community outreach, education, and advocacy in our community. We strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment that promotes compassion, understanding, and respect for all people equally. We believe that by working together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of those experiencing homelessness and pave the pathway to a brighter future for our entire community.
Membership Benefits
Pathway to Home Society has a total of 250 points.
Lifetime membership