
This region is just before the top search and filters bar. Press Tab to continue.
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This region is just before the group list results. Press Tab to continue.
  • American Indian Society of Engineers and Scientists George Mason University Chapter

    Registered Student Organizations - Academic, International/Multicultural, STEM, Graduate Student Organization, Department, Computer/Technology

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    American Indian Society of Engineers and Scientists George Mason University Chapter has a total of 250 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Applied Developmental Psychology Student Group

    Registered Student Organizations - Special Interest, Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Applied Developmental Psychology Student Group has a total of 650 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association

    Registered Student Organizations - Academic, STEM, Volunteer/Service, Graduate Student Organization, Department

    Website Mission

    Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association has a total of 250 points.

    (Ends at Graduation)

    Will end at Graduation

  • Art History Graduate Association

    Registered Student Organizations - Academic, Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Art History Graduate Association has a total of 250 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Earth Sciences Graduate Student Association

    Registered Student Organizations - Academic, Graduate Student Organization, Department

    Website Mission

    Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Earth Sciences Graduate Student Association has a total of 250 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Bangladeshi Graduate Students Association

    Registered Student Organizations - International/Multicultural, Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Bangladeshi Graduate Students Association has a total of 1700 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Black Graduate Student Association

    Registered Student Organizations - Special Interest, Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Black Graduate Student Association has a total of 450 points.

    (Ends at Graduation)

    Will end at Graduation

  • Chinese Student Association at George Mason University

    Registered Student Organizations - Academic, International/Multicultural, Volunteer/Service, Graduate Student Organization, Student Media

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Chinese Student Association at George Mason University has a total of 350 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Communication Graduate Student Association

    Registered Student Organizations - Academic, Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Contact: Doran Tucker

    Communication Graduate Student Association has a total of 250 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Counselors for Social Justice at Mason

    Registered Student Organizations - Volunteer/Service, Political/Activist, Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Counselors for Social Justice at Mason has a total of 400 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Criminology, Law and Society Student Association

    Registered Student Organizations - Academic, Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Criminology, Law and Society Student Association has a total of 350 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • CS Graduate Student Association

    Registered Student Organizations - Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Contact: Liuchuan Yu

    CS Graduate Student Association has a total of 350 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Cultural Studies Student Organizing Committee

    Registered Student Organizations - Academic, Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Membership is restricted to PhD students in the Cultural Studies program at Mason

    Cultural Studies Student Organizing Committee has a total of 250 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Doctoral Public Health Graduate Student Association

    Registered Student Organizations - Academic, Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Doctoral Public Health Graduate Student Association has a total of 250 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Environmental Science and Policy Graduate Student Association

    Registered Student Organizations - Academic, Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Environmental Science and Policy Graduate Student Association has a total of 350 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Graduate Association for Bioengineering Students

    Registered Student Organizations - STEM, Health/Wellness, Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Graduate Association for Bioengineering Students has a total of 250 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Graduate Association of Civil & Environmental Engineers at George Mason University

    Registered Student Organizations - Academic, STEM, Graduate Student Organization, Department

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Contact: Sherry Shan

    Graduate Association of Civil & Environmental Engineers at George Mason University has a total of 400 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Graduate Chemistry Club

    Registered Student Organizations - STEM, Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Graduate Chemistry Club has a total of 550 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Graduate Nursing Organization

    Registered Student Organizations - Academic, Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Graduate Nursing Organization has a total of 500 points.

    (Ends at Graduation)

    Will end at Graduation

  • Graduate Students for Public Health

    Registered Student Organizations - Academic, Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Graduate Students for Public Health has a total of 600 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Health Informatics AI Club

    Registered Student Organizations - Academic, Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Health Informatics AI Club has a total of 250 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • History Graduate Student Organization

    Registered Student Organizations - Academic, Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission

    History Graduate Student Organization has a total of 250 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Student Chapter

    Registered Student Organizations - Academic, Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Contact: Eileen Roesler

    Join us via Discord!

    Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Student Chapter has a total of 450 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Indian Graduate Student Association

    Registered Student Organizations - International/Multicultural, Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Contact: Manish Nalluri

    Indian Graduate Student Association has a total of 1100 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Indian Show Time

    Registered Student Organizations - Academic, International/Multicultural, Graduate Student Organization, Student Media, Campus Spirit

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Contact: Akhil Arekatika

    Indian Show Time has a total of 400 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Industrial-Organizational Psychology Student Association

    Registered Student Organizations - Academic, Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Industrial-Organizational Psychology Student Association has a total of 250 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Iranian Students Union

    Registered Student Organizations - International/Multicultural, Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Iranian Students Union has a total of 950 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Masters of Social Work Student Association at George Mason University

    Registered Student Organizations - Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Masters of Social Work Student Association at George Mason University has a total of 350 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Mechanical Engineering Graduate Association

    Registered Student Organizations - Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Mechanical Engineering Graduate Association has a total of 250 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • National Organization for Women Campus Action Network (NOW CAN) at George Mason University

    Registered Student Organizations - Volunteer/Service, Political/Activist, Graduate Student Organization, Student Government

    Website Mission

    National Organization for Women Campus Action Network (NOW CAN) at George Mason University has a total of 250 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • National Organization of the Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers

    Registered Student Organizations - Academic, STEM, Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    National Organization of the Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers has a total of 350 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • ODKM Learning Alliance

    Registered Student Organizations - Academic, Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    ODKM Learning Alliance has a total of 250 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • PhD in Education Student Organization

    Registered Student Organizations - Academic, Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission

    PhD in Education Student Organization has a total of 350 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Prison Labor Justice Collective

    Registered Student Organizations - Academic, Volunteer/Service, Special Interest, Political/Activist, Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Prison Labor Justice Collective has a total of 250 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Racially and Ethnically Minoritized Psychology Graduate Student Association

    Registered Student Organizations - Political/Activist, Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Racially and Ethnically Minoritized Psychology Graduate Student Association has a total of 250 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Rhetoric Society of America at Mason

    Registered Student Organizations - Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Rhetoric Society of America at Mason has a total of 400 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Rising Healthcare Leaders at Mason

    Registered Student Organizations - Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Rising Healthcare Leaders at Mason has a total of 250 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Schar PhD Student Association (SPSA)

    Registered Student Organizations - Academic, Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Schar PhD Student Association (SPSA) has a total of 350 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Science Policy Network at Mason

    Registered Student Organizations - Academic, STEM, Graduate Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Science Policy Network at Mason has a total of 250 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • This region is just before the bottom page controls. Press Tab to continue.