GAMEmason 2023 (Day 2 Registration)
by GAMEmason
Center for the Arts (CFA), Buchanan Hall, Horizon Hall, Harris Theatre
4373 Mason Pond Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030, United States
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Calling all gamers and gaming enthusiasts!
George Mason University’s Student Involvement and the Center for the Arts, in collaboration with Mason’s Computer Game Design Department, and GMU Esports, team up once again for GAMEmason, an engaging two-day gaming convention.
We are bringing you some amazing educational content, tournaments, speakers and performers, and more!
Please note: GAMEmason Day 1 has an upcoming separate registration: https://cglink.me/2d7/r2003590
See the website for more information!
How to Check In for the Event
Bring your valid Mason ID to the Center for the Arts Ticket Office to check in on the day of the event.
Bringing a non-Mason guest?
Tickets may be purchased at cfa.gmu.edu. Attendees must be at least 16 years of age. Attendees aged 16 or 17 must be accompanied by an adult. All attendees must have a ticket.
Past Events
11:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Don't forget to register for GAMEmason to participate: https://cglink.me/2d7/r2003592
Visit our GAMEmason Website: https://si.gmu.edu/tabletop-gaming-room/
Tabletop GameRoom Schedule:
Saturday, March 4 
11:30am - 4pm Join Will from Tabletop Role Playing Game Club: ┬áPokémon Tabletop United┬á
12pm - 3pm:  Join Kara from Tabletop Role Playing Game Club: Dungeons and Dragons 5e 
12pm - 4pm Join Peter from Tabletop Role Playing Game Club: Exalted
1pm - 2pm: Join the DND Club: Dungeons and Dragons 2 Player vs. 2 Player Tournament
1pm - 4pm Join Della from Tabletop Role Playing Game Club: Crab Truckers The Gang Does a Little Trafficking
2:30pm - 3:30pm: Join the DND Club: Dungeons and Dragons 2 Player vs. 2 Player Tournament
4pm – 7pm: Join TCG's Magic the Gathering: Baldur's Gate Tournament┬á
Dungeons and Dragons 2 Player vs. 2 Player Tournament: The Dungeons and Dragons club at George Mason University invites you to sign up and be a part of their tournaments with some of your fellow GAMEmason participants! 
Please review the Game Rules before signing up 
Sign-up for a Dungeons and Dragons 2 Player vs. 2 Player Tournament: https://forms.gle/Ji3BdE8ScLuXEhqm8 
TCG's Magic: The Gathering commander draft: 
Sign up now to secure your spot! https://forms.gle/ebzPdnjNBJAJFxrb6
Please review our Event Details and answers to common questions: TCG Club InfoGuide
Hello! If you are reading this, you must be interested in the TCG Club's event at this year's GAMEMason. We are holding a Magic: The Gathering commander draft! We will have a teaching session for new and returning players at 4:00pm March 4th in room D023 of Buchanan Hall, and the draft will begin at 4:30pm in the same room. 
The Tabletop Role Playing Game Club at George Mason University invites you to show your interest and/or Sign up for games you would like to join during your time at GAMEmason: https://forms.gle/K9QiadghCJwwjmoP6
Open Gaming includes:  
Here to Slay
Spy Alley
Code Names
Exploding Kittens
1 Night Ultimate Werewolf
Open games are available to play with no need to sign-up ahead of time
 Volunteers from the Rhythm Gaming Club at George Mason University will be available to assist and introduce games to participants. 
Thank you to the following Student Organizations for volunteering at the Tabletop Gaming Room:
Dungeons and Dragons Club at George Mason University
Tabletop Role Playing Game Club at George Mason University
Rhythm Gaming Club at George Mason University
Tabletop Card Games (TCG)
8:15 PM – 9:15 PM
Sign up to meet Carolina Ravassa after her GAMEmason moderated discussion (7 p.m. in the Concert Hall). Each student may bring one souvenir to be signed and may take one photo with Carolina Ravassa.
Center for the Arts (CFA), Buchanan Hall, Horizon Hall, Harris Theatre
4373 Mason Pond Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030, United States
Hosted By
Student Involvement and Center for the Arts
Co-hosted with: Student Involvement, University Life, GMU Esports, Center for the Arts, GAMEmason (OWNER)
Contact the organizers