Lot L near EagleBank Arena
United States
Registration is now closed (this event already took place).
This event is FREE* for all students, faculty, and staff. Guest price is $25 and limited to 1 per valid Mason ID.
*food trucks are not included in free activities.
Note: Guests and Alumni will not need to register via Mason360. Only students and faculty/staff will need to register via Mason360. Guest and Alumni will pay on-site.
Hosted By
Co-hosted with: Student Involvement (OWNER), University Life, Patriot Activities Council, Mason Spirit Squad, Student Government, Student Funding Board (SFB), Welcome2Mason, Patriot Experience, Fraternity and Sorority Life, Graduate Student Life, Mason Recreation, Leadership Education and Development (LEAD), Student Media, University Life Mason Square, University Life SciTech, Graduate and Professional Student Association (GAPSA), New Student and Family Programs, Fourth Estate, WGMU Radio, Student Centers, New Student Orientation, GMU Esports, George Mason University Homecoming, GAMEmason
Contact the organizers