Fri, Jan 31, 2025

1:30 PM – 4 PM EST (GMT-5)

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Johnson Center, Room A, Fairfax, VA

4400 University Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030, United States




Hi! Did you hear about Freedom Connection?
We are dedicated to FIGHT AGAINST HUMAN TRAFFICKING. The DMV, and even college campuses, are a hub for exploitation. BUT we (as students) can do something about it.

Human trafficking affects all of us in one way or another, no matter your background, or geographical location. Have your doubts? A quick google search will show you that human trafficking intersects with most all industries/professions, demographics, and geographic locations. On a personal level, do you know the signs of someone trying to take advantage of your situation? How about the signs in a friend or family member? Preparing yourself with this information could protect you or your loved ones.

One way to fight trafficking is through education and activism. Why education? Because if you know the signs, and understand how trafficking works and how it affects trafficking victims, families of victims, and our community, we can come up with ways to stop it. And that's where we come in.

Freedom Connection is a student-organization dedicated to human trafficking education and prevention on the GMU campus and in the Community. We want to expand the conversation, and innovate ways to fight exploitation as a community. We aim to develop a GMU-community that makes positive change on our campus and beyond.

COME BY OUR INTEREST MEETING to learn more about how you can be a part of Freedom Connection.
Join the Phoenix Freedom Connection Community!!

Please feel free to come by when you are able. We will be running multiple information sessions to allow as many students to learn about FC and meet other Freedom Phoenixes.

Session 1: 1:30-2p
Session 2: 2:10-2:45p
Session 3: 3:00p-3:30p
Session 4: 3:30-4:10p
Dress Casual (jeans ok)


Al Fuertes's profile photo

Al Fuertes

Professor - School of Integrative Studies

George Mason University

Dr. Al Fuertes' fields of interest and specialization include facilitation and intercultural/interreligious dialogue; global education and cross-cultural experiential learning; conflict resolution/transformation and peacebuilding; community-based psychosocial trauma healing as a component of peacebuilding and community development; refugee and internal displacement; sustainability of indigenous communities in Southeast Asia; anti-human trafficking, ecumenism, and spirituality; theology of struggle/people’s theology/liberation theology. Dr. Fuertes holds a PhD in Conflict Analysis and Resolution (2007) from George Mason University, and an MA in Peace Studies (1997) from the Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Indiana, USA. He finished his Bachelor of Theology (magna cumlaude) from Silliman University Divinity School, Philippines.

Al is a field practitioner and consultant who specializes in community-based trauma healing as an integral component in peacebuilding and conflict transformation. He travels extensively around the world, particularly in places affected by war, armed conflict, and natural disasters. Al works with government, religious, military, and community leaders, as well as NGO development workers, school administrators, teachers, youth, refugees, and internally displaced persons. He is the faculty director of the global education program in the Philippines, a 6-credit summer course in Human Trafficking, Environmental Issues, and Grassroots Peacebuilding; the Cambodia program, a 3-credit winter course in Post Genocide, Community Development, and Spirituality; including the one in Rwanda, another 3-credit winter course in Genocide, Healing, and Reconciliation - all programs are through Mason's Global Education Office. Al is an ordained minister with the United Church of Christ (UCC) and currently works as a Covenant minister of UCC Wellspring in Centreville, VA. 

Dr. Fuertes is a Senior Scholar in the Center for the Advancement of Well-Being at Mason. He is the recipient of the 2023 University Life Partnership Award and was granted the 2020 Inspiration Award by the Centreville Immigration Forum (CIF), in recognition of his contributions and service to the community, the 2019 Global Peacebuilder Award by the Daniel Fissell Music Foundation, the 2019 Outstanding Sillimanian Award, and the Alumni Recognition (2019) for his work in Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation by the Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary. He also received the 2015 Spirit of King Award, the 2014 Oscar Mentoring Excellence Award, the 2008 GMU Teaching Excellence Award, and the 2001 AT&T Asia-Pacific Leadership Award.

Hosted By

Freedom Connection: A Fair Trade and Anti Trafficking Coalition | Website | View More Events
Co-hosted with: Dialogue Across Differences

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